Thursday, September 01, 2005

Worst Return On Investment Ever

How the fuck exactly is FEMA spending over half a BILLION dollars a day right now. Did they hire Tom Noe to run the Katrina relief fund?


JD said...

You need a lot of money when you have no idea what you are doing.

JD said...
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JD said...

Phlip, I hope you are watching CNN right now. Anderson Cooper is giving it to Sen. Mary Landrieu. Giving it good. Unfortunately all she can do is answer with the usual politispeak. She began thanking Clinton and Bush Sr. and talking about congress coming back early. Cooper said, paraphrase, I just saw a dead body lying in the street with rats eating it, and now I am hearing politicians thanking each other. That pretty much sums it up.

Anonymous said...

Why the shots at MB... I think these folks are too little, too late as much as anybody... and I don't even get paid to say it.

FEMA's got issues... locally and nationally.

The number one shocker for me is how long it took to start martial law. That should have been imposed a day before the storm hit when they were evacuating.

Sadly, it looks like right now there's more poo in the ("leadership") mix than clean-running water and it's plugging the drain if you know what I mean.

The anchors on the news constantly stating that President Bush has cancelled his (5week) vacation early (2 days) is par for this course. OOooohh, really... someone must have woken him up... and he flew straight to DC? Stunning leadership. These gabsters need to grab a bucket and start bailing.

JD said...

What if our government knew that Al Qaeda was going to launch an attack on the gulf coast a few days before it happened? Would they have found a way to evacuate everyone? Or at least respond to the carnage with some semblance of organization?