Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Flying Spaghetti Monster

His Noodly Appendage touches the pages of Gelf here. Boing Boing is now offering $1 million to anyone that can produce empirical evidence which proves that Jesus is not the son of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. There is a catch though, as noted by this disclaimer.

Prize to be awarded with Intelligently Designed currency; void where prohibited by logic.

I think the fundies are starting to get pissed off by the amount of FSM related stuff being sent to the Kansas State School Board.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Empirical proof? We are here aren't we?... do calculators not lie about pi? nuf sed.

As he-who-is-closest-to-the-Parsley-messenger-of-jesus, Ken Blackwell, ponders his next faith-based political snake oil sale, it is incumbent upon those who respect all things FSM to stand loud and wear funny shirts in protest of the shamming of all true faiths. Is it time to ask FSM's voice on earth to begin speaking out broadly against the pharasees of large white teeth who so clearly are vile in the noodly? Can the wise philosphies and teachings of FSM also rain sunshine down on the hypocrisy of all that is Ken? What's wrong in Kansas State is just as wrong in the land of Ohio.