Monday, September 05, 2005

Katrina And The Supreme Court

I really think John Roberts was nominated for Supreme Court Chief Justice was due to the hurricane. The White House is desperate to push the spotlight off of its failures in the relief effort. Roberts was a handy pick, they didn't have time for a more thorough search. The fact that even the Supreme Court is used to take political pressure off of itself proves that this is the worst president in the history of this country.


Anonymous said...

I am so sick of their constant glitter game, at what point do they suck it up and at least act like leaders.

Other genius lies and distractions to expect from anonymous sources in the Administration's puppet master this week:

1. WMDs found at Iraqi's first new Taco Bell, small amounts of special spice declared undigestable. Bush Vindicated.
2. Jesus answers GWB personal nighty-nite prayers, no rain in New Orleans for 2 consecutive days... image of virgin Mary appears on WH toast. World Harvest Church promises $1 million for toast shrine on Washington Mall.
3. Osama Bin Laden look-alike captured in posh Forida resort, renounces Islam, gives heart to Jesus after personal meeting with famed evangelist Pat Robertson. World skeptical until video released of GWB photo op pulling trigger to personally execute dangerously subdued pseudo-Bin Laden, stating that it was time he was sent to heaven. Polls soar back to 51% in NRA states.

Anonymous said...

True enough, yet still eminently political in timing and scope. While I do not like the way politics are affecting Katrina rescue. I believe this is one line that could be held for a few weeks, prolonging the wait until hearings, until hurricane has been addressed. To sit a political heir into our nation's cushiest single political job while people are still being dug from rubble and corpses seems a low priority.

Phlip said...

Actually. Jeff is correct in his accessment