Friday, September 02, 2005


You might be wondering what Michael Brown did before he headed up FEMA. He was the Judges and Stewards Commissioner for the International Arabian Horses Association (IAHA). Sounds like a pretty gravy gig, why would he leave? Because he was shitcanned. Yep, fired. Don't bother to google them, they don't exist anymore. Brown's incompetence forced them to reorganize under another name.

An E-mail from a member to Goldy at HorsesAss says it all:

Well, for 3 years Michael Brown was hired and then fired by our IAHA, the International Arabian Horse Assoc. He was an unmitigated, total fucking disaster. I was shocked as hell when captain clueless put him in charge of FEMA a couple of years ago. [Emphasis mine]

This brings us to a very important point. Winning elections is great, but you have to fucking govern once elected. As we are seeing all across this country, republicans are very good at winning elections, but fail miserably at governing. A disaster like this simply shine the light on that fact.

We are reaping what Bush sowed when he filled government positions with cronies that are completely incompetent.

Goldy has more in this Kos diary

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Of course he's a disaster... didn't you see what he did to the Bengals?