Thursday, August 25, 2005

Today, The Haters Come

One of the larger conservative blogs linked to this site today, so expect some comments slamming me and liberals in general. So be it. is the site, which, by the way is one of the more reasonable sites on the right, has already sent a couple of hits my way. One commenter, lone ranger, makes a pretty salient point among the drivel about Satan being a liberal, which he would be, along with Jesus. One is a libertarian, one is a leftist. I think you which one sold his social liberties soul for tax cuts.

A lot, and I mean a lot, of liberal relief groups are a sham, as are many on the right. Lonely points out Make Poverty History as an example of one of these groups. I have to admit, I have no idea who these people are or if they do any good. The lesson here is to research any aid group you want to donate to before you drop any coin.

Don't hate back on the haters. I remember a time before discord replaced discourse when the left and the right all went drinking together after work, and the moonbats readers are people I really enjoy pissing off anyway.

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