Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Nut Job Christians, We Got Them Too

Joseph Williams' letter to the editor in the Columbus Dispatch proves a point. Yep, we got them too, there are nut job Christians on the left as well as the right. Williams is distraught that the state of Ohio would promote fishing as a wholesome activity. From the Dispatch:

Fish experience fear and pain as others do. There is nothing Christian about dragging one of God's creatures through the water by a hook embedded in the roof of its mouth. There is nothing merciful about laying the victim on the ground to slowly suffocate.

The man probably feels he is being compassionate by turning loose his damaged prey. But if he touches the fish with his dry hands before releasing it, he has condemned it to a lingering death by rubbing off its protective layer of mucus. The fish will be attacked by a fungus at the contact site and will rot to death. When Christians decide to treat all of God's children with compassion, including animals he blessed with conscious life, then they will begin to understand his love.
Didn't Jesus do the whole fishes and loaves thing? Maybe he is referring to the Bush quote "I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully."

One thing it does show is that we on the left value life, while those on the right only value control over life.

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