Friday, July 15, 2005

Rehnquist Vows To Die On The Job

Well, not really. He did announce yesterday that he's not going to retire anytime soon, though he is likely to expire soon. Rehnquist, 80, has been battling thyroid cancer since October. I'm glad Rehnquist made this announcement because it puts Bush and several conservative Senators in a sticky position. It’s hard to appease both big business and big-box Jesus with a single nomination, and no one is going to be conservative enough for the likes of James Dobson, save Dobson himself.

I really think Bush is going to piss off the religious right with his nomination. While he pays lip service to them, he's not actually one of them. He comes from the thievery corps of the republican party and it is big business that is going to be filling his pockets after his term is done, not the Christian right.

I imagine Bush will be sitting on quite a few executive boards whose meetings he never attends after his presidency. At least, those corporations had better hope he doesn't attend.

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