Friday, July 29, 2005

Bill Frist

Bill Frist has flip-flopped his position on stem cell research. I really can't bash him because it is the right thing to do. We are in dire need of more stem cell lines to use in research. I've seen the right bashing him and that's to be expected. I'm a little curious about his motive. Perhaps he believes this will help him in the 2008 presidential race.

I'm going to say it right here, right now. Bill Frist has zero chance of being president. Why do you ask? Because he's their Al Gore. He's their John Kerry. In short, the guy is a fucking stiff, and George Bush has proved twice already that even dumb beats stiff. It's like I'm watching a bug eyed robot when he is on TV. Since the beginning of the era of televised presidential races stiffs have lost every general election in which they participated.

Sometime in 2008 some jackass on CNNMSNBCFOX will point back to the stem cell issue and knowingly say "It cost him the chance to be president." Dopes.

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