Wednesday, July 27, 2005


Occasionally, I read a quote so stupid that I simply sit dumbfounded. Right now, I don't know whether to be angry, or sad, or sick. I truly wonder whether or not America can continue to exist when people with thoughts this idiotic not only freely walk the streets, but get quoted in the New York Times. I normally would now write an obscenity laden rant ripping the guy, but today I'm going to take a different route. The following is from today's NYT article on the upcoming OH-02 race between Paul Hackett and Jean Schmidt.

At the Warren County fair, where Ms. Schmidt bought a 230-pound pig from a 9-year-old girl and watched a demolition derby, Charles Hartman, a Democrat turned Republican, agreed.

"It's a positive thing for him," Mr. Hartman, a substance-abuse specialist with a nonprofit group, said after meeting Ms. Schmidt. "But we're not at war here." [Emphasis mine]
Hmm, I have to admit, I don't follow Warren County politics very closely, but I'm pretty sure that it would have came across my radar screen if Warren County, Ohio had seceded from the United States of America. No, that hasn't happened. If Mr. Hartman can be believed, by using common logic, I can assume we're not at war here either. Unfortunately, I know that not to be the case.

Now, it is true Charles that there are not any tanks in your front yard, and you probably didn't encounter any IEDs on your way to wherever you work today. By the way, if you go around saying things this dumb, I think its safe to say you're committing the crime of theft every Friday when you pick up your paycheck. Don't feel too bad, your learning curve is only a little bit behind Jessica Simpson's, who now gets it.

Since you are choosing to support Jean Schmidt in next Tuesdays special election for Congress, perhaps you should secure the following two demands from her. First, you need to get her to refund all the taxes you paid that went to the Iraq war because we're not at war here. Secondly, you should ask her for do overs for the seventy Ohio servicemen that have given their lives in Iraq. After all, we're not at war here. I'm guessing you will not obtain these promises.

Seriously, how can people walk around with this sort of disconnect from reality?

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