Friday, July 22, 2005

Day One

So many scandals, so many drums to beat. Tom "Short Change" Noe started stealing money from the Ohio BWC day one. Noe wired $1.375 million from the coin fund to his business account the very same day he received BWC's first investment to cover about 40 bounced checks. This theft continued until the last day he operated the fund taking another $600,000.

I gotta think even a cursory backround check would have prevented Noe from ever getting his hands on BWC money. A few questions need to be asked of BWC about this. Did they do a backround check of Noe, and if so what did it show? Either they didn't do one or someone at BWC ignored the results. If the results were ignored, was it due to incompetance or pressure from the governor's office?

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