Monday, August 07, 2006

Quote Of The Day, Maybe The Year

One of Rick Santorum's interns collected signatures for Green candidate Carl Romanelli in five separate counties. The reply to this by Pennsylvania State Party Chair was priceless. From The Philadelphia Inquirer:

It's examples such as the apparent one-person, five-county petition tour - plus unregistered voters, multiple signatures by the same person, and fake names - that could form the basis of a challenge, Rooney said. John Michael Glick - the Santorum intern who has worn a duck costume to hound Casey for "ducking" issues - appeared to have collected signatures in Beaver, Washington, Fayette, Juniata, and Schuylkill Counties, Rooney said.

"It's un-ducking-believable," he said. "Instead of his duck attire, one has to ask if he wore a Superman costume that day."

I'm still laughing.

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