Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Progress, Bush Style

Yesterday, in Cleveland, George Bush touted all of the sweet, sweet, goodness that has happened in a town that you've never heard of, and he repeatedly mispronounced. What's the locals take? From the Washington Post:

[Nassir] Sebti, the mechanic, was more fearful of sectarian conflict. "People now are afraid to send their kids to school," he said. "I have to take my son to and from the school every day. There are two gangs in Tall Afar now that specialize in kidnapping children. Police can do nothing against that."

Awful nice of us to build those schools that people are afraid to send their children to, huh? At this point, Bush would be better off trying to sell Amway than trying to convince the American people that things are going well in Iraq.

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