Thursday, October 20, 2005

Trashing The Times

I always find it humorous when one major newspaper trashes another one as Tina Brown does to the New York Times in today's Washington Post. After all, isn't that my job? Stay off my turf, bitch.

Anyway, the one thing that strikes me in her column are these two sentences:

All the angst goes back to Jayson Blair. The fabrication debacle two years ago prompted the Times to sign on to the new censorious self-examining culture, in which journalistic institutions strive to be as transparent as religious and governmental ones (yeah, right).

My God, could that have only been two years ago? As news cycles turn over at an ever increasing pace, we seem much, much further from that story than two years. If you would have asked me prior to reading Brown's piece today, I would have guessed the Blair fiasco happened seven or eight years ago.

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