Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Raw Story is reporting that Patrick Fitzgerald has asked the grand jury to indict Karl Rove on charges of perjury and obstruction of justice, and Scooter Libby for the two previous charges plus outing a covert operative. The story goes on to say two others that do not work in the White House also face indictments. They report the grand jury has not yet decided whether or not to indict.

I wonder how they are getting this information. It's not like you run in and out of a grand jury or make cell phone calls from inside. One of the lawyers inside must be using a blackberry from inside the courtroom.

It's going to be tough to sleep tonight waiting for all of those Fitzmas goodies in the morning.

UPDATE: Damn, the grand jury adjourned for the day. Doesn't meet again until Friday. God damn Fritzmas, it's always a day away.

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