Thursday, December 22, 2005

The Dirty Dozen

Jack Abramoff has nearly completed one of his plea deals, the Miami one, and probably serve five to seven years in prison. The New York Times tells us what prosceutor's are going to get as the two cases converge:

At the same time, prosecutors in Washington have been sifting through evidence of what they believe is a corruption scheme involving at least a dozen lawmakers and their former staff members, many of whom worked closely on legislation with Mr. Abramoff and accepted gifts and favors from him. Although Mr. Abramoff is also in negotiations in that case, it is unclear whether a settlement can be reached in time for both agreements to be announced at once.

A dozen dirty congressmen. If you throw in Duke Cunningham, that's a baker's dozen of members who will at least be indicted from the 109th Congress.

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