Thursday, April 27, 2006

The President And The Pump

One of the big problems President Bush has with the high price of gas is that there is virtually nothing he can do about it. The speech he gave the other day gave the impression that he is doing something, even though the remedies he prescribed are simply placebos.

This can only add to the perception that he is incompetent. (I'm sure that if you're reading this you know he is incompetent, but the American public has lagged behind on this issue for some time) What will happen is that when gas prices are still high a few months down the road, Bush will face even lower approval ratings when the average person wonders why Bush hasn't done anything to lower prices.

The Washington Post has an editorial today rightly ripping Bush for not taking steps to avoid this in the first term of his presidency. However, I do have a question for the Post. Where you been? It's nice of you to jump on the bandwagon now, but you should have been pressuring Bush on the fundamental changes that need to be made to step America back from the oil precipice some time back.

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