Thursday, November 03, 2005

Unlikely Backer

Arnold Schwarzenegger has endorsed the Reform Ohio Now inititives despite pleas from Denis Hastert. I don't know why Schwarzenegger thought he had to involve himself in the Ohio effort. Yes, he does have Proposition 77 on the California ballot this year which basically does the same thing as Issue 4, but he could have simply dodged taking a position on the Ohio inititvies. He could have answered that how should he know what's right for the people of Ohio, or simply said that he hadn't seen the wording of the Ohio proposal. Instead Schwarzenegger seems to have actively pursued giving an endorsement as if he needed to get some sort of street cred for Prop 77.

Ohio republicans are certainly peeved and were the ones who enlisted Hastert to lean on Schwarzenegger.

I also endorse the Reform Ohio inititives.

Found via Kos

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