Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Human Rights Abuse Report

The US has released its annual Human Rights Abuse Report. Sadly, it does not address our own abuses thus making the report less effective in its efforts to portray the abuses committed by other governments.

Even worse, Condi Rice came out with this bullshit statement to justify the report's lack of self-examination. "We do not issue these reports because we think ourselves perfect but rather because we know ourselves to be deeply imperfect," said Rice.

The statement seems to say, yea, we do it too, but look over there. That is even worse than what we are doing. The only problem with this approach is that we are fully capable of stopping what we are doing, if only Rice and the rest of the administration would put down their foot and stop it. They refuse to do so.

There really isn't a lot we can do to stop human rights abuses in some of the worse offenders, but the one thing we can do is take the moral high ground and attempt to shame these offenders in the eyes of the world. Unfortunately, under this administration, we have lost that moral high ground and it could very well take years to get that back.

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