Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Thin Green Line

In a 136 page report commissioned by the Pentagon, Andrew Krepinevich, the executive director of the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, comes to the conclusion that the US Army is racing to the breaking point through the rapid deployments and re-deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan. From MSNBC.com:

Illustrating his level of concern about strain on the Army, Krepinevich titled one of his report’s chapters, “The Thin Green Line.”

He wrote that the Army is “in a race against time” to adjust to the demands of war “or risk ‘breaking’ the force in the form of a catastrophic decline” in recruitment and re-enlistment.

The US Army currently has close to a quarter of its fighting force in Iraq at any given time, not to mention billions of dollars in equipment which obviously wears out more rapidly given usage and environment.

Something has got to change. Staying the course is rapidly not becoming an option.

1 comment:

Dave said...

You don't stop IEDs with armed force. Some general or another said you need police. Military police would do fine.

You don't stop a guerilla war by installing a puppet goverment. Puppet is a perception of the ruled, not the ruling.

So all this installing of democracy is the wrong thing to do, but it is the strategic goal, as democray is a disrupter of Islam. The Islaic clerics know this, so they will ensure that it won't happen.

This to the same degree that the religious right has had a long-term goal of overthrowing the U.S. goverment.