Friday, July 29, 2005
DomiNoe Muthafucker
Negotiations for this deal went into last night. I would like to think Hicks had to give up all pertinent e-mails, etc. about the BWC scandal.
Bill Frist
I'm going to say it right here, right now. Bill Frist has zero chance of being president. Why do you ask? Because he's their Al Gore. He's their John Kerry. In short, the guy is a fucking stiff, and George Bush has proved twice already that even dumb beats stiff. It's like I'm watching a bug eyed robot when he is on TV. Since the beginning of the era of televised presidential races stiffs have lost every general election in which they participated.
Sometime in 2008 some jackass on CNNMSNBCFOX will point back to the stem cell issue and knowingly say "It cost him the chance to be president." Dopes.
Slow Start
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Gun, Meet Mouth
Hope I die before I get old.
Geek Stuff
That brings me to this. This is the funniest Google search that ever landed someone on this site. I'm pretty sure this visitor didn't find any useful information. This will make you laugh overtly so be prepared. Check out the keywords
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
At the Warren County fair, where Ms. Schmidt bought a 230-pound pig from a 9-year-old girl and watched a demolition derby, Charles Hartman, a Democrat turned Republican, agreed.Hmm, I have to admit, I don't follow Warren County politics very closely, but I'm pretty sure that it would have came across my radar screen if Warren County, Ohio had seceded from the United States of America. No, that hasn't happened. If Mr. Hartman can be believed, by using common logic, I can assume we're not at war here either. Unfortunately, I know that not to be the case.
"It's a positive thing for him," Mr. Hartman, a substance-abuse specialist with a nonprofit group, said after meeting Ms. Schmidt. "But we're not at war here." [Emphasis mine]
Now, it is true Charles that there are not any tanks in your front yard, and you probably didn't encounter any IEDs on your way to wherever you work today. By the way, if you go around saying things this dumb, I think its safe to say you're committing the crime of theft every Friday when you pick up your paycheck. Don't feel too bad, your learning curve is only a little bit behind Jessica Simpson's, who now gets it.
Since you are choosing to support Jean Schmidt in next Tuesdays special election for Congress, perhaps you should secure the following two demands from her. First, you need to get her to refund all the taxes you paid that went to the Iraq war because we're not at war here. Secondly, you should ask her for do overs for the seventy Ohio servicemen that have given their lives in Iraq. After all, we're not at war here. I'm guessing you will not obtain these promises.
Seriously, how can people walk around with this sort of disconnect from reality?
Back Door Bribes
Those big lobbyist dollars don't need any grease to get though the door. It is silly to even think that. These are simply back door bribes, repayments for the sweetheart deals former congressmen got their clients. Hell, Billy Tauzin didn't even wait until he retired to announce he was taking a lobbying gig with the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America shortly after helping craft the new prescription drug law.
So, what is really causing this trend that took off in the mid-nineties? In 1992, Congress changed a campaign law that allowed retiring lawmakers to simply convert their campaign war chests to personal accounts. In other words, the bribes were overt. You made a campaign contribution and the lawmaker took it home with him on the way out the door.
I don't understand how the Post missed this aspect of the story.
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Cincinnati Post Endorses Hackett
Even if Hackett falls short, I think this race gives us an idea of the damage recent republican scandals have caused. A close race or a win by Hackett should definately send shivers down the republicans spine for 2006. Some wishy washy challengers might get cold feet, and incumbants will have to prepare for tighter races than they have grown accustomed to easily winning.
Too be honest, this race is already a victory for the Democratic party. Jean Schmidt is a weak candidate at best, and it will be a few years before the republicans can use this safe district for some bench building. A Hackett victory would simply be gravy.
If you want to toss Hackett some last minute coin, go here.
Monday, July 25, 2005
Arnold Cuts Tie With Classic
One question that begs to be asked. Is the Arnold Classic big enough now that it doesn't need him to draw the crowds it does? I think so. Not many of the attendees actually get to see Arnold anyway. It could be a moot point in a couple of years if Arnold's poll numbers keep "Tafting."
The AC pumps about $75 million into the local economy.
Santorum Today
Senator Rick Santorum: Well, I will be honest with you. I have six children ages 4-14. And the idea of coming off a race of the intensity that I am engaged in at this point and turning around and running another two year campaign for president is not something that I believe is in the best interest of my family, which I say in the book, and I believe in my heart it's my principal responsibility. I can't speak for other politicians but I can speak for me, and my intention is not to run in 2008.Hopefully, Rick will be looking for something in the private sector next year.
Weather Stuff
At 6:15 CNN went to a live shot from a local tower cam and it was still pitch black. I have to admit I was a little puzzled. It was light outside here and Miami is black. It turns out Miami is only about 180 mile east of Columbus. I thought it was much farther. Their sunrise was about twenty minutes behind us today.
Friday, July 22, 2005
Day One
I gotta think even a cursory backround check would have prevented Noe from ever getting his hands on BWC money. A few questions need to be asked of BWC about this. Did they do a backround check of Noe, and if so what did it show? Either they didn't do one or someone at BWC ignored the results. If the results were ignored, was it due to incompetance or pressure from the governor's office?
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Coming Soon To A Riot Near You
London Punked?
UPDATE 10:00AM: The current story floating on this is that this was a terrorist attack and that the plastic was a bad mix. Only the detonators went off. Armed police, rare in London, have entered University Hospital, possibly to secure an injured bomber. I don't have a clue if this is true or not, just passing on what I hear on British radio.
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Blogs, The Internet And Campaigns
Elsewhere in the blogosphere, a fundraising effort was launched by some of the larger blogs and DFA. Hackett raised over $100,000 in just a couple of days and will now be able to make some media buys. If you want to toss Hackett some coin, go here, or here.
Odd side note, I think I went to high school with Kevin's sister. Small world.
Coming In September
John Roberts Is Nominee
One thing that struck me last night while watching the nomination. It has to suck to be that intelligent, achieve that much, and to reach the highest echelon of your profession you have to rely on one moron picking you over your peers.
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
India And Nukes
But, how can we expect China to be a full faith negotiator in the North Korean talks when we are helping their close by enemy improve their nuclear capabilities? Most of India's nuclear missiles are aimed at China, not Pakistan. I think China would now be foolish not to try to sabotage the Korean talks to keep the US tied up with this mess. After all, North Korea's nukes aren't pointed at China, but our allies Japan and South Korea.
The deal also allows India to buy the Arrow Missile System which is a high altitude anti-ballistic missile defense system developed by Israel. Think of a shorter range version of our Interceptor anti-missile defense program, only this thing actually works.
Supreme Court Nominee
UPDATE 10:32AM: Announcement imminent, it's Clement.
UPDATE 2:00PM: Announcement now at 9:00PM
Monday, July 18, 2005
Shifting, Shifting, Shifting
Three quarters of Americans believe Rove should be fired if he leaked classified information according to an ABC News poll released today.
Freedom On The March, Backwards
President Bush contends that Iraq will inspire democratic change in the region. But far from being an inspiration, Iraq has turned into a bogeyman. It is the nightmare example cited by authoritarian Arab regimes as proof of the looming chaos if they open their systems too fast.
Even Arab democrats no longer talk of the January moment when millions of Iraqis voted. In Syria, political dissidents told me they don't want swift "regime change" in their country lest it lead to Iraq-style chaos. In Lebanon, leading members of the newly empowered political opposition worry Iraq will unsettle the region.
In Egypt, government officials warn that rapid political change will enable Islamists to take power. As proof, they point to the victory of Shiite religious parties in Iraqi elections.
These people are, in fact, correct. The handwriting was on the wall for what Iraq was going to become before we lobbed the first smart bomb at Saddam Hussein. You can’t destabilize a country by creating a void of power at the top without having various factions make aggressive, sometimes violent, power grabs to fill that void, especially when that country is sitting on trillions in oil revenue.
You really only have to look at recent history to see this in action. Consider the tortoise and the hare that are China and Russia respectively. Russia threw their doors open to immediate all encompassing democracy and it turned out to be a disaster. Rampant crime and corruption quickly became the norm, sound familiar? Russia is now slowly inching back towards totalitarianism. China on the other hand went the slow route towards democracy and is now poised to be the economic super power of the 21st century.
The sad thing is that the neo-cons that planned this fiasco are supposed to be experts on Russia. How could they not see this coming?
Bye, Bye NRA
I'm actually kinda surprised that the NRA pulled the convention, its not their style. With a mayoral election next year, I thought they would use their convention to try to exert some influence on it. Looks like the right is writing Columbus off as a lost cause.
Friday, July 15, 2005
The Duke Is Done
Cunningham also says he will sell his current house and donate a portion of the proceeds to three charities. Sound to me like the duke is trying to get real liquid, real fast. May I suggest retirement in Belize?
Rehnquist Vows To Die On The Job
I really think Bush is going to piss off the religious right with his nomination. While he pays lip service to them, he's not actually one of them. He comes from the thievery corps of the republican party and it is big business that is going to be filling his pockets after his term is done, not the Christian right.
I imagine Bush will be sitting on quite a few executive boards whose meetings he never attends after his presidency. At least, those corporations had better hope he doesn't attend.
Rove's Shifting Defense
Look for a lot more of this in the coming days.
MMMM Morels
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Jail Bob Taft
I have never in my life seen corruption so rampant at the state and federal levels of government. Jesus, you almost have to be a lawyer to keep up with it all. I think a huge backlash is coming at republicans in 2006. Even some of their evangelical voters are starting to recoil from the antics of the GOP.
At Least He Stays Bought
A considerable amount of the ad space in these magazines are filled by performance enhancing supplements, so you can guess what happened when legislation landed on his desk that would have regulated these supplements. He red-lined it. You see, if supplement peddlers make money, AMI makes money, so Arnold makes money. A quite nice little circle jerk, and as for the kids, fuck 'em.
Like the title says, at least he stays bought.
Eating Their Own
All but three members of the Nevada YR chapter resigned before the convention claiming Taylor was mismanaging money forcing him to drop classes and quit his food service job to plan it.
Taylor's pleas to Nevada's Congressional delegation for money have gone unanswered except for this don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out type money shot comment from Jon Porter campaign consultant Mike Slanker.
"I wish him well in his future after politics."
Found via Atrios
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Paul Hackett
SUSA Polls The Governors
It is going to take a cleaning crew months to get the stench of failure out of the governor's mansion before the next governor (Coleman) moves in.
North Korea
Seoul has pledged rice and energy to the north if they get serious about halting their nuclear program. We should let South Korea and Japan take the lead on this because they have the most to lose should Kim Jong Il decide to start lobbing nukes. Also, unlike Condi Rice, they seem to understand diplomacy. All we need to do is promise that if the six-party talks succeed that we will recognize North Korea as a sovereign nation and enter into a non-aggression pact which will, in reality, be written on toilet paper.
Ebbers Gets 25 Years
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Guard Misses Mark Again
This isn't going to change anytime soon. The Army guard is racing towards a tipping point with many reservists coming up on their twenty four month maximum call up. Without proper replacements the Guard will not be able to meet it's commitment. So, what do we do?
I have a feeling that in a country of nearly 300 million, if president Bush would issue a call to arms for Americans to pitch in by joining the Guard we could easily make up the deficiencies in recruitment. There is such a disconnect between most Americans and this war that a good many who would join up in a pinch don't do so because they don't know they're needed. This presents a problem for Bush, though. If Bush were to issue such a plea, it would be a de facto admission that his war plan was a failure. These guys never admit failure, even if it means the country suffers.
Look for more of the same.
London Bombers Dead
Snubbing The Brits
Secondly, it comes out today that the US military had banned its personnel based in England from going to London, although this ban has since been lifted after heavy criticism.
Monday, July 11, 2005
Eating Crow
Egg, meet face.
Crystal Ball
Question: Now that Karl Rove has been indicted, will the president fire him?
Scotty: You know, indicted is not the same as convicted. The president believes that a person is innocent until proven guilty. It's one of the freedoms that the president believes is important to all Americans. Beyond that, it would be improper to comment on an ongoing trial.
And yet even further into the future
Question: Now that Karl Rove has been convicted, will the president fire him?
Scotty: The president doesn't believe the jury made the correct decision and as you know Karl Rove has appealed the decision. It would inappropriate for the White House to comment on this case while litigation is ongoing.
And even further into the future.
Question: Now that the Supreme Court has refused to hear Rove's appeal, will the president fire Karl Rove?
Scotty: The president believes that with only a few months left in his term it would be a disservice to the American people to bring in an inexperienced political advisor with the War on Terror still ongoing and a transition to the next president upcoming.
And finally.
Question: Why did the president choose to pardon Karl Rove?
Scotty: In case you haven't figured it out by now, accountability is something the administration was never about, so fuck off, we're out of here.
Eliot Cohen
Cohen also wants those running the war to stand up and give the administration honest assessments about the progress in Iraq. That will simply never happen. This administration is honesty challenged to say the least. They have lied to us from day one and they're not about to stop now.
I wonder if Cohen would have ever stepped up to face reality if not for the fact that his son is preparing to ship off to Iraq.
Plain Dealer
Saturday, July 09, 2005
Miller And Cooper, Chickens Already Home
Lawyers for the Newhouse Newspapers-owned PD have concluded that the newspaper would almost certainly be found culpable if the leaks were investigated by authorities.Now, Ohio has a shield law to protect journalists. Its Ohio Revised Code § 2739.12 and it states:
"They've said, this is a super, super high-risk endeavor, and you would, you know, you'd lose," Clifton said in an interview Friday afternoon.
"The reporters say, 'Well, we're willing to go to jail, and I'm willing to go to jail if it gets laid on me,'" Clifton added, "but the newspaper isn't willing to go to jail. That's what the lawyers have told us. So this is a Time Inc. sort of situation."
No person engaged in the work of, or connected with, or employed by any newspaper or any press association for the purpose of gathering, procuring, compiling, editing, disseminating, or publishing news shall be required to disclose the source of any information procured or obtained by such person in the course of his employment, in any legal proceeding, trial, or investigation before any court, grand jury, petit jury, or any officer thereof, before the presiding officer of any tribunal, or his agent, or before any commission, department, division, or bureau of this state, or before any county or municipal body, officer or committee thereof.Therefore, these two stories must be of a federal nature. What could it be? Iraq? Gitmo? Plame? Sadly, we just don’t know, yet. I have a feeling we will. Otherwise, why would Clifton mention this at all? Doesn’t he open himself up to obstruction of justice charges by doing so? Jeff, help me out here.
We now have to take a look at Clifton’s motives for speaking to E&P. Take note of Clifton saying “but the newspaper isn’t willing to go to jail.” Corporations don’t go to jail. They pay fines and being unwilling to pay the fines to tell important stories definitely contradicts this Columbia Journalism Review article about “The Newhouse Way” which is defined as “Freedom to shape a paper without measuring everything against the bottom line.” Newhouse claims to take a very hands off approach to its editors, I should note that the CJR article is pre-Patriot Act, so I don’t know if this is still the prevailing view.
While it is possible Newhouse told him to shut it down, Clifton may be just trying to gin up some publisity prior to taking a running leap off the cliff. I hope this is the case. If it isn’t, let’s hope the reporters covering these stories bring them to the blogosphere. Hell, I’ll do the time, I could use a vacation.
Friday, July 08, 2005
Thinking Out Loud
This is how I think this went down. A co-conspirator gave the bomber four explosive devices weighing less than 10 pounds each. The bomber was told that the bombs had timers set to go off in a series and told to place them in subway cars. The bomber then got on the Circle line and starts placing bombs. Sometime between first and fourth explosion the Circle line stops running. This is supposedly not terribly unusual. The bomber then gets on the #30 bus to find another location to plant the last bomb, but runs out of time and the bus blows up.
Does this sound possible to you, because London's Police Commissioner says it isn't .
Oh, and a scramjet may be involved. (very inside joke)
UPDATE: A new more accurate timeline put out by the London police pretty much kills this argument
Why do Tornadoes Hate Hillbillies?
The National Weather Service says that the bowl shape of the speedway actually helped the tornado form. That seems kind of silly to me, but what the hell do I know about tornadoes.
No hillbillies were harmed at the track and racin' is expected to resume in time to allow them to be gouged by the Pro Bass Shops MBNA 500 on October 30.
Funny spellcheck item. Blogger offered to replace hillbillies with helplessness.
Good News From The Ohio BWC
So, what is the Bureau going to do with its investments now? Are there any Taft cronies not currently under investigation left to mismanage/steal/lose the Bureau's money?
Getting Hard To Tell The Crooks Apart Without A Scorecard
It is illegal in Ohio for lawmakers to accept gifts of over $75 from lobbyists. Schmidt has repaid $644 dollars to Colby.
The other lawmakers who didn’t report this were Jim Raussen of Springdale, Diana Fessler of New Carlisle (repaid $1,388), and Michelle Schneider of Cincinnati (repaid over $1,300).
The only way you forget something like this is when it is so commonplace that it just blurs in with the others.
Information Overload
501 Republicans voters polled on Republican candidates
Fav Unfav Would vote for
Montgomery 49% 39% 44%
Petro 42% 46% 40%
Blackwell 44% 50% 43%
501 Independents and Swing voters polled on Republican candidates.
Fav Unfav Would vote for
Montgomery 46% 42% 26%
Petro 54% 33% 42%
Blackwell 22% 60% 23%
Head to head polling all voters.
Strickland (D) 58
Blackwell (R) 36
Coleman (D) 49
Blackwell (R) 42
Strickland (D) 50
Kasich (R) 41
Coleman (D) 43
Kasich (R) 45
Strickland (D) 51
Petro (R) 44
Coleman (D) 44
Petro (R) 44
Strickland (D) 52
Montgomery (R) 39
Coleman (D) 48
Montgomery (R) 42
No dates or trends on this, if you have any info on this poll drop it in the comments.
Thursday, July 07, 2005
Judith Miller Jailed
That being said, Judy, do us all a favor. Shut the fuck up. From the Washington Post:
"I know that the freest and fairest societies are those with a free press . . . publishing information that the government does not want to reveal," she said. She compared her effort to that of U.S. troops risking death in their fight for freedom in Iraq: "If they can do that, surely I can face prison to defend a free press." [Emphasis added]No, Judy, your situation doesn't compare in the least bit to the kids that were forced to go to Iraq to be maimed or killed based on the lies you helped mule to the American public. Go fall on your sword, and shut up.
By the way, despite what I said earlier, I'm willing to wager that Ms. Miller doesn't go the distance on her jail term. She doesn't look like the type willing to give up two or three percent of her life for anything.
London Bombed
I just heard a doctor from one of the hospitals quoting a figure of ten dead. As BBC Radio 4 passes on more information I'll post it here.
UPDATE #1 8:50AM: There were three bombs in the Tube, one on a bus. The bus bomb was possibly a suicide bomber.
UPDATE #2 9:00AM: President Bush tells Americans to be "extra vigilant" on their way to work today. Don't know what that means, perhaps you should shoot anyone with a backpack.
UPDATE #3 9:27AM: From what I can piece together there are now twelve fatalities and about 150 seriously wounded. The English divide the wounded into critically wounded, seriously wounded, and walking wounded.
UPDATE #4 9:36AM: The Guardian now reports at least 41 fatalities. The breakdown is 23 at the King's Cross, 9 at Edgware Road, 7 at Aldgate, and 2 at Russell Square.
UPDATE #5 10:09AM: Sky News reports at least 45 dead according to a reliable, but unofficial source.
UPDATE #6 10:21AM: Got to give it to the Brits, the tube is expected to reopen for the evening rush hour minus the King's Cross station.
UPDATE #7 10:30AM: MP George Galloway says: "We argued, as did the security services in this country, that the attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq would increase the threat of terrorist attack in Britain. Tragically Londoners have now paid the price of the Government ignoring such warnings."
I don't agree with Galloway about Afghanistan, but he is right about Iraq. I'll go into this further at a later date.
UPDATE #8 10:49AM: Head of the London Underground Tim O'Toole has confirmed that "the system is now clear."
UPDATE #9 11:50AM: From the looks on TV that tube reopening story was a bit overblown.
UPDATE #10: The death toll is now at 50 and expected to rise.
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Miller Holds, Cooper Folds
Was it smoke signals? A plane pulling a banner? The Goodyear Blimp? The Jumbotron at RFK? A Monte Python arrow with a note? A Gorillagram?
Use the comments below to tell me about how you send a message in somewhat dramatic fashion.
He Does Know It's TV, Right?
I doubt that is the case. I think this has to do with giving the American people someone they trust to lead Bush's nomination though confirmation. If that is the case, this is a potentially brilliant political move, using a warm but stern fatherly type figure that gets beamed into the average American household more often than sunlight. This could signal that a total nut job is on the way.
Criminal Intent
Also yesterday, special proscecutor Patrick Fitzgerald again urged Judge Thomas Hogan to jail both Matthew Cooper and Judith Miller. I guess Time didn't get Cooper off the hook. The Washington Post suggests that some reporters outed Plame to government officials, not the other way around.
But, the biggie of all biggies I'm hearing today is that Karl Rove will be indicted this week or next. Froggie start a marching.
Poor Duke Cunningham's impending indictment is back page material these days.
A couple of more years of republican rule and we are going to have to concede the fact that they are right. We do need more prisons.
Who Am I? Why Am I Here?
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Rick Santorum
I had already thought that Santorum was toast next year, but giving Bob Casey this kind of ammo in book form should cement it."In far too many families with young children, both parents are working, when, if they really took an honest look at the budget, they might confess that both of them really don't need to, or at least may not need to work as much as they do... And for some parents, the purported need to provide things for their children simply provides a convenient rationalization for pursuing a gratifying career outside the home." (It Takes a Family, 94)
"Many women have told me, and surveys have shown, that they find it easier, more "professionally" gratifying, and certainly more socially affirming, to work outside the home than to give up their careers to take care of their children. Think about that for a moment... Here, we can thank the influence of radical feminism, one of the core philosophies of the village elders." (It Takes a Family, 95)
"The notion that college education is a cost-effective way to help poor, low-skill, unmarried mothers with high school diplomas or GEDs move up the economic ladder is just wrong." (It Takes a Family, 138)
ABC Cancels Welcome To The Neighborhood
Really, judging from the promos ABC might as well renamed the show Who Whitey Gonna Let Bring Down Their Property Values? Appropriately, the show was protested by several organizations including the conservative Family Research Council. I assumed the FRC was protesting the fact that a gay couple was to be shown on TV. I was dead wrong. They were protesting because they were "worried that conservative Christians would appear like overly judgmental buffoons." Well guess what, they are.
The winner will still get to keep the house (the filming of the show is already complete), but ABC has failed to disclose the winner. I'm guessing the one with the stripper mom.
Great Line
If the golf glove fits, you can't acquit.Funny and true.
For Your Amusement

Here is a picture of Bush looking ridiculous. Provide your own captions in the comments.
Found via Digby
The Supreme Court
I personally don't think he will get the nod. As Bush's speech last Tuesday proved, this all politics all the time administration is a one trick pony. That's why I think Ted Olsen will be the nominee. His wife was killed on the flight that crashed into the Pentagon and this would give the republicans yet another opportunity to bash the Dems over the head again with 9/11. It's really all they have.
Monday, July 04, 2005
I'm Gonna Live Forever
Seriously, on top of that,162,000 (6.5%)members of the top 2% of earners paid less than 15% in taxes. That's fucked up. I paid a higher percentage than that and I have an accountant that's a fucking shark.
It will suck to watch all of my friends die, but fuck it, I'm gonna live forever.
Sunday, July 03, 2005
Red Rover, Red Rover, Send Karl's Fat Ass Over
Most of us pretty much suspected Rove all along, but I do find it surprising that he appears to have gotten his own hands dirty with this. There are literally hundreds of toadies that would have died to mule this info for Rove.
Hopefully, Rove will make the trip from the White House to the Big House bringing a happy ending to this fiasco.
Friday, July 01, 2005
The Dam May Be About To Break
This could lead to a radical remake of the rule of law in the US. A stacking of conservative judges on the bench is something we must oppose at all costs including risking making the republicans invoke the nuclear option. I don't understand why conservatives want to nominate judges that try to move us back to the 19th century. Can't they just go live with the Amish?