Use the comments to provide your own caption. And remember, its unclear from this picture whether or not this fish was illegally poached
Daily rants about Politics, Music, and whatever else I want to rant about. E-mail: PhlipsRants@Gmail.com
The bureau is enacting the special offer, which it said may not be offered in the future, in order to assist employers angered by the funds decision not to offer a dividend, as it had for the last nine years.Hmm, I wonder why they are not offering a dividend? I mean, these funds are kept in very low risk investments that all but guarantee a modest but stable return. Perhaps more workers than usual were injured this year. It is a bonus to get the dividends so it seems odd to me that some would be angry with the BWC.
José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero's ruling Socialist government proposed the bill shortly after winning the election last year. On the day he was confirmed as prime minister, Mr Zapatero said he would fight discrimination against homosexuals.This might sound a little crazy, but I actually believe that a slight tinge of anti-Americanism is also helping push this trend. A good deal of Europeans think of Americans as unsophisticated, so our overwhelming rejection of gay rights last year may be making some ripples across the pond that Europeans don't want to be associated with.
During the debate before today's historic vote, Mr Zapatero acknowledged Spain was joining the growing numbers of countries legalizing gay marriages.
"We are not the first, but I am sure we will not be the last," he told the chamber. "After us will come many countries, driven, ladies and gentlemen, by two unstoppable forces: freedom and equality."
The paper "is a road map for terrorists and publication is not in the interests of the United States," Department of Health and Human Services Assistant Secretary Stewart Simonson wrote in a May letter to Dr. Bruce Alberts, the science academy chief.That is something stupid or incompetent people say. This means that either A: You completely underestimate or are ignorant of your enemy, or B: You realize there is a problem but you are incapable of remedying it.
Pickens said a shortage of oil is the main reason behind the price increase and didn't see how the world could produce more than the current 84 to 85 million barrels a day that currently comes out of the ground.
"We're coming up on a brick wall," he said. "The fourth quarter this year is going to maybe be the most interesting quarter I've ever experienced in my 50 years in the oil industry."
The fourth quarter typically sees the highest demand for oil as northern countries stock up on heating oil for the winter months.
"There's unlimited business out there for us," said Robert L. Livingston, a Republican former chairman of the House Appropriations Committee and now president of a thriving six-year-old lobbying firm. "Companies need lobbying help."K Street must look like Macy's a week before Christmas. I wonder if there are recess clearance sales. For one full price Tom Delay, can I get half off on Bob Ney and Michael Oxley?
Taft said in a June 14 letter to the Ethics Commission that it has "recently come to my attention that I failed to list a number of golf outings or events on my financial disclosure forms over the past several years."
The governor said he is still gathering information, but "it appears a series of matters" that should have been disclosed weren’t, and he wanted to notify the commission.
"I stand ready to cooperate with any review the commission wishes to conduct and seek the commission’s guidance on how to make reimbursements and/or provide the appropriate disclosures," Taft wrote.
In a statement, Taft said he takes "full responsibility" for any omissions but declined further comment "on the advice of counsel."
William Meeks, a Columbus criminal lawyer representing Taft, could not be reached last night.
Taft did not report any golf outings, including with Noe, on his financial disclosure forms for the past two years, records show.
• Randall A. Fischer resigned as director of the Ohio School Facilities Commission in July 2002. He pleaded guilty to two misdemeanors for accepting free rounds of golf, hockey tickets and meals from contractors to whom he awarded unbid contracts worth millions.
• Former Consumers’ Counsel Robert S. Tongren quit in November 2003 after an investigation found he accepted dozens of expensive golf outings and meals from utility lobbyists. He admitted to four misdemeanors.
• When a probe in September 2003 showed that Richard P. Frenette, manager of the state fair, and other employees improperly accepted golf passes and other favors from vendors doing business with the fair, Taft called on the Ohio Expositions Commission to "take prompt and appropriate action." Frenette quit two days later.
• Taft issued a quit-or-be-fired ultimatum in August 2002 to Gino Zomparelli, director of the Ohio Turnpike Commission, the day after a probe found he and 30 other turnpike officials were showered with golf outings, free meals and sports tickets by companies doing business with the agency. Zomparelli quit the next day.
Give me a whisky, ginger ale on the side, and don't be stingy, baby.
Don't knock masturbation. It's sex with someone I love.
Insanity runs in my family. It practically gallops.
Yes, it used to be beautiful, what with the rackets, whoring, guns.
Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine.
That's what I love about these high school girls, man. I keep getting older, they stay the same age.
Remember, you're fighting for this woman's honor, which is probably more than she ever did.
If I'd been a ranch, they would've named me the Bar Nothing.
If it weren't for graft, you'd get a very low type of people in politics.
Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty-five years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it.
Well, it's not the men in your lifethat counts, it's the life in your men.
In my case, self-absorption is completely justified. I have never discovered any other subject so worthy of my attention.
Not much meat on her, but what's there is choice.
I gave her my heart, she gave me a pen.
I do wish we could chat longer, but I'm having an old friend for dinner.
There's a name for you ladies, but it isn't used in high society, out side of a kennel.
Are you gonna bark all day, little doggie, or are you gonna bite.
On Monday night, Mr. Storeim and his wife told police they were returning from a two-day vacation when they first noticed that two of their cars — a Toyota Sequoia and Lexus G300 were missing.
Then, they noted items missing throughout their home, including weapons, 10 boxes of 12-gauge ammunition, four tubs of rock-climbing gear, several lithographs and paintings, stereos, and jewelry. Additionally, guitars — one autographed by B.B. King and another by Stevie Ray Vaughan — were reported stolen, police said.
Investigators said the evidence tape was torn from the door of the wine cellar, which had been pried open, and three humidors were missing. Several keys were also reported stolen from the home, including a key to Mr. Storeim’s business.
Investigators from the Jefferson County, Colo., Sheriff’s Office on June 3 took custody of 3,500 bottles of wine valued at $500,000, and seized hundreds of rare coins, 265 Cuban cigars, computers, and documents from Mr. Storeim’s home and office as part of a criminal investigation.
According to [Mickey] Herskowitz, George W. Bush's beliefs on Iraq were based in part on a notion dating back to the Reagan White House - ascribed in part to now-vice president Dick Cheney, Chairman of the House Republican Policy Committee under Reagan. "Start a small war. Pick a country where there is justification you can jump on, go ahead and invade."
Bush's circle of pre-election advisers had a fixation on the political capital that British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher collected from the Falklands War. Said Herskowitz: "They were just absolutely blown away, just enthralled by the scenes of the troops coming back, of the boats, people throwing flowers at [Thatcher] and her getting these standing ovations in Parliament and making these magnificent speeches."
Republicans, Herskowitz said, felt that Jimmy Carter's political downfall could be attributed largely to his failure to wage a war. He noted that President Reagan and President Bush's father himself had (besides the narrowly-focused Gulf War I) successfully waged limited wars against tiny opponents - Grenada and Panama - and gained politically. But there were successful small wars, and then there were quagmires, and apparently George H.W. Bush and his son did not see eye to eye.
Iraq is inching toward a dangerous tipping point - the point where the key communities begin to invest more energy in preparing their own militias for a scramble for power - when everything falls apart, rather than investing their energies in making the hard compromises within and between their communities to build a unified, democratizing Iraq.
Our core problem in Iraq remains Donald Rumsfeld's disastrous decision - endorsed by President Bush - to invade Iraq on the cheap. From the day the looting started, it has been obvious that we did not have enough troops there. We have never fully controlled the terrain. Almost every problem we face in Iraq today - the rise of ethnic militias, the weakness of the economy, the shortages of gas and electricity, the kidnappings, the flight of middle-class professionals - flows from not having gone into Iraq with the Powell Doctrine of overwhelming force
Maybe it is too late, but before we give up on Iraq, why not actually try to do it right? Double the American boots on the ground and redouble the diplomatic effort to bring in those Sunnis who want to be part of the process and fight to the death those who don't.
We've already paid a huge price for the Rumsfeld Doctrine - "Just enough troops to lose." Calling for more troops now, I know, is the last thing anyone wants to hear. But we are fooling ourselves to think that a decent, normal, forward-looking Iraqi politics or army is going to emerge from a totally insecure environment, where you can feel safe only with your own tribe.
One nonacademic subject they also studied was a little booklet called "The Rules of Civility; or The Maxims of Genteel Behavior." While many of the rules can be discarded today (such as the proper placement of one's sword at meals), others recall a lost tradition in human relationships designed to protect and honor half of the human race and to civilize the other half.
There are instructions on how to respect and treat women, often referred to as "ladies." My personal favorite teaches the "proper" way to greet ladies: "It is not becoming a Person of quality, when in the Company of Ladies, to handle them roughly; to put his hand in their necks, or bosoms; to kiss them by surprise; to tear their fans; to snatch away their Handkerchiefs."
I must say, the quality of discourse in this country has taken a sharp plunge of late, not only among the ruffians and ne'er-do-wells from whom one expects coarse speech, but among gentlemen of letters and esteem. I have, with my own ears, several times in the past week, heard the elder sons of prominent families introduce into mixed company subjects formerly reserved for private discussion among gentlemen. It pains me even to raise this point, but following a string of recent events, there is no question that the adage bears repeating: A gentleman ought never to disclose who sucked him off.
This needn't mean a gentleman must limit the discussion of his exploits to his journal. If a gentleman has met a young lady and taken her to his digs, it is his right and privilege to tell his friends and coworkers about the encounter. However, it is the mark of a true gentleman to omit
his lady friend's name from the discussion of her pussy's tightness.
In mid-April, The Blade reported that Ohio Republicans received more than $455,000 in campaign contributions from employees of the fund managers hired by the bureau for the “emerging managers” program in which Mr. Noe participated.
The big winners included the state Republican Party committees, which received $200,750, Secretary of State Ken Blackwell, who received $67,130, and Governor Taft, who got $61,875.
Mr. [Mark] Lay also confirmed that Mildred Forbes, the daughter of George Forbes, the vice chairman of the bureau’s Oversight Commission, works for his firm. Ms. Forbes is a senior vice president who works on human resources and compliance issues for MDL.
Couples adopting or donating Snowflakes embryos are mostly Christian, and most embryo donors are white, Ms. Maze said. Some families are Roman Catholic, even though the church has historically opposed in vitro fertilization.
Couples must agree to adoption-like procedures: receiving families are screened and must undergo counseling, and Snowflakes allows donating and receiving families to designate criteria for each other, meet and maintain contact after birth. Adopting couples must agree not to abort any embryos.
Those conditions were fine with Bob and Angie Deacon of Virginia Beach, Va., who donated their 13 embryos after having twins and being discouraged from another pregnancy by a doctor. "With another program, to be honest with you, they could have been adopted by lesbian parents, and I'm totally against that," said Mr. Deacon, 35.
It took two and a half years to bring themselves to fill out the papers. On their forms, they said the adopting family must be conservative Christians and, ideally, include a stay-at-home mother.